This is something I have been wanting to make for a long time. Lisa got me started with the velum. SweetDrops45 got me started with the cd project and ScrapwithSara did the rest !Thanks U guys!! If you Have circle scissors by EK if you use hole 119 it cuts a perfect cd cover. Well anyway here is some more Velum Lisa..LOLOLOL
OOO Sorry I used the baby bug --mini mono & base camp...
OO here is a link for the cut file.. http://www.mediafire.com/?hcuahayavra
Hi Mary! Thanks again for checking out my blog! I'm still really new w/ the nesties so I don't have a fav yet. I only have the circle set & the square set, and after 2 days of crafting, I'm wishin' I had the rectangle set! (Gotta put that on my wish list!) great idea with the CD book. I'll have to remember that project!
This is p-r-e-c-i-o-u-s!!!
Way cute!!
You go sister!!
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